Most of us understand the basic differences between conventional and organic farming but the practice of biodynamic viticulture and winemaking is not widely understood and can be confusing. The information note attempts to summarise the basic differences between a conventional, organic and biodynamic approach. It is not definitive but will hopefully provide an insight as to the reasons why biodynamic viticulture and winemaking is becoming ever more popular.
Biodynamic practices in the vineyard encourage a natural harmony between the earth, the vine and the cosmos as nature intended, without the need to use systemic chemicals. We believe that this results in a more naturally healthy bio-diverse and sustainable vineyard, producing better quality fruit and ultimately better quality wine, with a unique sense of place or terroir.
Click on the links below to find out more:
Soil Fertility & Nutrients
Pests & Disease
The Environment, The Moon & The Cosmos
Biodiversity & Sustainability
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It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe investing in rural areas