Sustainability through a glass of wine - our values

Champion Sustainability
We're passionate about making great wine sustainably by putting the environment first.

Sustainability is a core value for us whether it's by managing the vineyard itself alongside nature, by changing our packaging (as of 2022, all our boxes are made from 100% recycled materials and are 100% recyclable), improving recycling initiatives, or by reducing waste and our carbon footprint (0% of our waste goes to landfill). Our focus is not just on the environment, it's about valuing people and contributing to society, now and in the future. We're committed to shaping the future of the UK wine industry through educating and inspiring others to strive towards greater sustainability, and are founding members of the Wine GB Sustainability scheme. 



Embrace Nature

Growing vines in harmony with nature has been our priority from the start.

As a biodynamic vineyard, we minimise the use of chemicals on the land preferring the use of natural preparations and compost teas. This allows wildlife to thrive and the vineyard provides a live habitat for birds, bees, flowers and frogs.

The vineyard is home to half a million honey bees, vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity. Visitors can enjoy bee-keeping demonstrations with local bee-farmer Sergio, and can even join the Albury bee club! We work alongside Butterfly Conservation to grow plants specifically for endangered butterflies and our new wildlife walk features wild flower meadows designed to attract pollinators. New bird and bat boxes were installed in 2022.  


Grow Partnerships

Working with others is at the heart of what we do.

Our relationships and collaborations help us fly the flag for Great British Wine and encourage others to 'Support Local'. 

Not only are we members of Wine GB, we also collaborate with our neighbouring 'Vineyards of the Surrey Hills' to promote quality British wine made by passionate wine families. We are proud members of Surrey Hills Enterprises, Visit Surrey, Local Food Britain, and have formed valuable relationships with local farmers and land managers involved in the North Downs Facilitation Fund.

We recognise our responsibility to look after our community and are committed to our work with local Surrey charities including Surrey Choices and Surrey Wildlife. 


Inspire Future Generations

Thinking of the next generation is at the forefront of our business.

Children are our future so educating them to consider the future of our planet is so important. We're passionate about teaching others to live responsibly.

Our bug hotel was built with the help of local school children who learnt about the importance of all creepy crawlies from the bugs in our soil, to the bees and the butterflies and our self-guided vineyard tour challenges all generations to consider our habitat and ecosystem. 

Through our apprenticeship scheme we provide opportunities for the younger generation to get valuable work experience and offer a window into innovative farming and modern agriculture.


People First

We aim to create enjoyable, respectful and mutually supportive relationships with everyone who finds us, whether on the vineyard or over a glass of wine.

When it comes to growing vines and making great wine we're more than passionate, we care. And not just about the environment, but about our dedicated families, enthusiastic staff and contractors, loyal customers. It's our responsibility to look after and respect those who work and live alongside us. 


Source Responsibly

We want everyone to feel good about where our wine has come from, how it was grown, produced and delivered.

It's not enough to 'shop local', you need to have confidence that the product you buy has been made sustainably, as ethically as possible, and with respect for the environment - and how the team that make it runs their business. We share your ethos. We care how sustainable our bottles are, and how our packaging has been made. Where possible, we prioritise suppliers who share our values. We even check where the cheese served in our tasting room comes from!