Don't put your foot in it - Monty's Pet Nat Episode 10
What is a 'Pied de Cuvee'? All is revealed in this video with Nick Wenman and his daughter Lucy. They decided not to use their feet!
You can view this video, and others in the series including Episode 9 - Rain Rain Stay Away, on the
Monty's Pet Nat facebook page. You can also tweet about the wine @alburyvineyard @MontyWaldin using #MontysPetNat #naturalwine.
Monty's Pet Nat is the UK's first natural wine, and has been produced by Monty Waldin and Albury Organic Vineyard. It's now available to buy from
Les Caves de Pyrene, and is also available in some wine bars specialising in natural wine. To find out more about what it's all about, visit Thanks to
Seablue Media for producing these brilliant videos!