A Brave Idea - Monty's Pet Nat Episode 2
The Monty's Pet Nat story continues! This week, Monty visits Albury Organic Vineyard in Surrey to pitch an idea to owner Nick Wenman. Monty hopes Nick can help him with a risky venture into English winemaking!
You can view the video on the
Monty's Pet Nat facebook page. Remember to 'like and share' this page - when it reaches 200 likes we will give away a bottle of Monty's Pet Nat! You can also tweet about the wine @alburyvineyard @MontyWaldin using #MontysPetNat #naturalwine.
Monty's Pet Nat is the UK's first natural wine, and has been produced by Monty Waldin and Albury Organic Vineyard. To find out more about what it's all about, visit