Cruel to be kind - Monty's Pet Nat Episode 8
Monty's Pet Nat story continues! To maintain Albury Vineyard's high quality grapes, owner Nick and his manager Alex have a tough job to do.
You can view this video, and others in the series on the
Monty's Pet Nat facebook page. Remember to 'like and share' this page - when it reaches 200 likes we will give away a bottle of Monty's Pet Nat! You can also tweet about the wine @alburyvineyard @MontyWaldin using #MontysPetNat #naturalwine.
Monty's Pet Nat is the UK's first natural wine, and has been produced by Monty Waldin and Albury Organic Vineyard. It's now available to buy from
Les Caves de Pyrene. To find out more about what it's all about, visit Thanks to
Seablue Media for producing these brilliant videos!